"It's the Television Trek!!! What begins as a simple search for truth and comedy leads quickly to a road paved with possibility. Will they find their destination? Or will they find true love?"
(Segment One)
Welcome to our show!
Welcome to our show!
Today's team has a big quest ahead of them as they try to find free tickets to a live television taping. How long will it take? How many tv sites will they see along the way? And how well will they tolerate one another along their journey?
We have a lot of ground to cover, so let's begin!
These two headed out early. Adam arrived like a champ with bagels and cream cheese in tow. Sustenance will certainly be needed for these two throughout the day.
First Stop: Conan O'Brien standby line.
Tamara and Adam arrive just as they hand out tickets to people waiting desperately for standby tickets. They receive tickets numbered '63' and '64'. Those numbers won't help get them into the show today. How well will they handle the defeat?
Will they land a pair of tickets to a show in the city? We'll be right back!
*Commercial Break: Time to regroup. The team decides to take a break and find a Starbucks.
(Segment Two)
Welcome back.
In a city where Starbucks is seen nearly every 2.5 blocks, the two fail to spot one for nearly thirty minutes. How could they miss such a popular site over and over again? With so much failure so early in the morning, most teams would quit. But these two show positive perseverence.
Adam reveals his hopes to see the taping of his favorite show, "The Colbert Report." Our team heads to Colbert's studios to gauge their chances. No such luck -- but they are told to come back in the afternoon for a chance at standby tickets. The two decide to stick together until then.
Total points so far: none.
Time to kill: 6 hours.
TV siting points: CNN's New York Headquarters.
Our team finds a Starbucks across the street where they grab a couple hot chocolates.
(cutaway. inner monologue.)
Tamara: I hope Adam's not bored with me already. I really like him. I'm so glad he wanted to go out! I can't believe he actually remembered me!
When I met him last year, I totally wanted to date him! I even called my date for the night and told him I'd be late so I could chat with Adam longer at a party! I don't think I've even seen Adam that much since then, have I? I didn't think he remembered my name...
Does my hair look okay?
I really like Adam's lips.
Bonus points: Adam suggests they head up to one of his favorite secret spots. They take the elevator to the lobby on the 35th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. 

TV Stop: Our team takes a trip to ABC's headquarters for a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of World News with Charles Gibson.

Adam suggests they head down to Greenwich Village for his favorite slice in the city at Joe's Pizza. His claim: the crust is to die for.
Hollywood trivia bonus: Joe's Pizza was seen in the movie "Spiderman."
Bonus points: Adam makes Tamara laugh so hard her sides hurt.
Adam points out the Italian restaurant, Palma.
Although it's closed for the holiday, a man peeks outside and asks if he can help.

"I was just mentioning that there's a really great patio in the back. Are you the owner?" he asks.
"No. I'm his cousin. But come back and I'll show you!"
The team heads to the back of the restaurant, revealing a hidden haven with ivy climbing up the walls.
Bonus points: Adam speaks Italian with the family and mentions how he loved his two years living in Sicily.
(cutaway. inner monologue.)
I can't believe how great this guy is. He's smart, fun, and always smiling! And he's done so much. Travelled the world. Snowboards. Has his pilot's license. Skydived. Bungee jumped. Twice.
This guy is super great!
I think my feet are frozen. But I don't care!
They have seen plenty of television sites for the day, but will they get the tickets?
The team heads to the standby line for "The Colbert Report" early, landing in second place! Their chances are looking good! Wait until you see what happens next!
*Commercial Break: The two grab another couple hot chocolates and wait for another hour to find out if their standby tickets will get them in.
Okay everyone. We're back outside the studious of "The Colbert Report" where our team is anxiously awaiting word. And... YES! They will make it in! Great job!
Adam freaks with excitement! Not only will he get to see his favorite show, but he'll get to see Stephen Colbert host his 500th show!
Bonus points: Tony award-winning actress Christine Ebersole sings, "What I Did For Love," the hit song from Tamara's most favorite musical of all time, "A Chorus Line."
Our team has worked hard for this one. And what a record! Adam takes his place at the top as Tamara's longest first date ever... at a whopping 13 hours!!
Congratulations team! Your hard work paid off!
Until next time...?
TV Announcer:
They have won the prize, but have they won each other's hearts? What will happen next? Be sure to stay tuned!
cool! So when does this episode air so we can look for you?
it was last night's show! and i don't have cable! ack!
5 stars for sure! I loved having the access to your inner monologue. Does it make you nervous that the guys you went on dates with get to know how you feel about them? How did you get the date with Adam? I really like the patio of the italian restaurant part... and how he spoke italian... super sexy in such a wholesome way.
So much fun! I love the the colbert report! So funny! And what an action packed (and marathon of a) date! He seems great!
ps- might you have meant Christine Ebersole?
Loves the Colbert Report, speaks Italian, and what a smile!
enjoy T Ra! You earned it, eh?
Another way to watch is on Hulu online. That is how I watch The Colbert Report and The Daily Show.
None of these guys should have a problem with dates in the future. They can always just refer the women to your site. How could a woman turn them down after reading?
Awesome date. I watched the Colbert Report that night too. Seems like a memorable guy.
this date was awesome!!! I can't believe it lasted that long and went so well :) I LOVE reading about your dates! Keep them coming!
I'm supposed to be editing photos right now but I checked Facebook and realized I was a few days behind! This one is definitely my favorite so far, though I have to admit that the end of Hallelujah made me tear up a little. I'm glad, for your sake, that you're not doing this forever but I am loving this.
I'll sound cynical, but after a handful of dates, all of which have been successful, it seems, I'm finding myself starting to root for a dud, just to see how you handle it on the blog.
yes, i was thinking that too: are there any duds? or can you not say because all the guys can read this? (eek!)
anyway, i vote for adam. wherever i'm supposed to vote.
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