December 31, 2011

Love in 2012

Who really understands the words to Auld Lang Syne? We hear it every year when the ball drops at midnight, and all I can think about is this moment in "When Harry Met Sally."

Here are the original old Scottish words from Robert Burns and their translation into modern English:
So yes, as Sally says -- "It's about old friends."
Happy new year to you, friend.

In 2012, I resolve to be even more loving to friends and family. What about you? What are your resolutions? Do any of them involve dating? Maybe taking on a dating challenge?? Or buying a copy of your future favorite love story? May 2012 be filled with lots of love - and 31 dates!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Mariah Carey version was funny. After reading the lyrics you posted I thought about how no body ever knows the words past the first verse! Mariah just repeats the first verse for 4 minutes. For one of my resolutions this year I will try to learn the other verses to songs where we traditionally only know the first verse. That and try to be a better husband, friend, and neighbor. Thanks for the post and happy new year!

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